1 обтекаемый кузов
aerodynamic body, streamlined body -
2 обтекаемая форма
1) General subject: streamline2) Naval: hydrodynamic form, streamline form, streamlined shape3) Engineering: streamlined form4) Automobile industry: aerodynamic form, aerodynamic shape, streamlined form (напр. автомобиля)5) Astronautics: streamline shape6) Makarov: stream line (напр. самолёта), streamline contour -
3 аэродинамическая форма
1) Engineering: aerodynamic shape2) Mathematics: aerodynamic configuration3) Automobile industry: aerodynamic form, streamlined form4) Arms production: aerodynamic configuration (ракеты, снаряда, пули и т.д.)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > аэродинамическая форма
4 аэродинамический кузов
Automobile industry: aerodynamic body, streamlined bodyУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > аэродинамический кузов
5 кузов обтекаемой формы
1) Automobile industry: aerodynamic body, streamlined body2) Makarov: streamline bodyУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > кузов обтекаемой формы
6 обтекаемое тело
1) Aviation: streamlined body2) Engineering: stream-lined body3) Physics: aerodynamic body4) Makarov: body in stream, immersed body, obstacle -
7 обтекаемой формы
1) General subject: aerodynamic (о кузове), boat-tailed, streamlined2) Arms production: aerodynamical, streamline3) Makarov: clean -
8 обтекаемый кузов
1) Military: teardrop body2) Engineering: streamline body3) Railway term: racing body4) Automobile industry: aerodynamic body, streamlined body, tear-drop body -
9 тело обтекаемой формы
Makarov: aerodynamic body, streamlined bodyУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > тело обтекаемой формы
См. также в других словарях:
streamlined — [[t]stri͟ːmlaɪnd[/t]] ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n A streamlined vehicle, animal, or object has a shape that allows it to move quickly or efficiently through air or water. ...these beautifully streamlined and efficient cars. ...the sharks sleek,… … English dictionary
aerodynamic — adjective 1. of or relating to aerodynamics (Freq. 1) • Pertains to noun: ↑aerodynamics • Derivationally related forms: ↑aerodynamics • Topics: ↑physics, ↑natural philosophy … Useful english dictionary
streamlined — adjective 1. made efficient by stripping off nonessentials (Freq. 2) short streamlined meetings a streamlined hiring process • Similar to: ↑efficient 2. designed or arranged to offer the least resistant to fluid flow a streamlined convertible … Useful english dictionary
streamlined — adjective 1) streamlined cars Syn: aerodynamic, smooth, sleek 2) a streamlined organization Syn: efficient, smooth running, well run, slick; time saving, labor saving … Thesaurus of popular words
streamlined — adjective 1) streamlined cars Syn: aerodynamic, smooth, sleek 2) a streamlined organization Syn: efficient, smooth running, well run, slick … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
streamlined — Synonyms and related words: a la mode, advanced, aerodynamic, arrowlike, automated, avant garde, compact, contemporary, curved, curvilinear, dead straight, direct, efficient, even, far out, fashionable, flat, flowing, forward looking, horizontal … Moby Thesaurus
streamlined — adj. designed to offer the least possible resistance to a current of air or fluid; made efficient, simplifiedn. path along which a fluid flows; direction in which a particle flows (i.e. in a fluid); aerodynamic shape v. design or build in a form… … English contemporary dictionary
streamlined body — body built in a way that is suited for movement through air, aerodynamic body … English contemporary dictionary
airplane — /air playn /, n. 1. a heavier than air aircraft kept aloft by the upward thrust exerted by the passing air on its fixed wings and driven by propellers, jet propulsion, etc. 2. any similar heavier than air aircraft, as a glider or helicopter. Also … Universalium
Automotive aerodynamics — forces at high speeds. For some classes of racing vehicles, it may also be important to produce desirable downwards aerodynamic forces to improve traction and thus cornering abilities.An aerodynamic automobile will integrate the wheel arcs and… … Wikipedia
Lift (force) — For other uses, see Lift. Boeing 747 8F landing A fluid flowing past the surface of a body exerts a surface force on it. Lift is the component of this force that is perpendicular to the … Wikipedia